WARNING: RANDOMNESS AHEAD! Proceed at your own risk.
Has anybody else noticed the sheer amount of mindless crap TV that's available? Most of it's like a really horrific train wreck- try as you might, you just can't look away. Take, for example, The Real Housewives (Atlanta, New Jersey, New York, Orange County...take your pick). Do these women listen to themselves? Seriously. The botox! The plastic surgery! THAT YOUR HUSBAND ALLOWS YOU TO GET BUT CANNOT AFFORD! It's awful. I love it. Then there's The Bachelorette. Was she really surprised about that one dude, the wrestler, who had not one but two! girlfriends back home? The guy's nickname was Rated R for God's sake. That should've been a big red warning sign right there. But that being said, you just need to know who she's going to pick (I'll admit, I've only seen like 3 episodes because if my family caught me watching it I'd just die of embarrassment and then where would we be but still) and wonder if there's any chance that it'll last past the show airing.
In non-crap TV news, Wednesday's So You Think You Can Dance damn near broke my heart. My favorite dancer, basically in the history of ever, seriously injured himself. *sob* As a former dancer (Highland, mostly, with a little ballet and step thrown in for good measure), and having injured my Achilles' tendon rather seriously, I know his pain. And it sucks. I hope you're well soon, Alex, the dance world needs you!
I've spent the last couple days reading the archives of some of my favorite blogs (who will, eventually, be linked here if and when I ever decide to fix the sidebar) and it got me thinking. I want to write someday, once I've graduated and have a real job so I can pay bills while I attempt to get published. Thing is, in order to be a writer you need to *gasp* surprise! Write something. I've attempted a few times to actually blog. I did, for a while, have a blog hosted over on bravenet that actually lasted for a solid couple of years while I was in high school. I don't remember why I let it die, in fact I think I deleted it altogether, but here I am, trying again. I should warn you, in case you hadn't noticed, I get very rambly. Especially when I'm trying to kind of get things going and give myself some possible future topics. Especially if anyone ever reads this and asks me anything. Yeah. Not holding my breath.
In another bone-jarring topic jump, is anyone else getting seriously annoyed with the turning of hit books into shit movies? First up: Harry Potter. I LOVE the books. So much. I think J.K. Rowling is brilliant, and I love me an author that can take seemingly obscure little things from previous books and make them really important later on. Her character development and creation of another world are just so wonderful. Then Hollywood got involved. The first two were ok, Chris Columbus was pretty honest to the books. I thought the graphics left something to be involved (hello, have you seen Lord of the Rings? Get their computer imaging artists!) but all in all, not bad. Then they changed directors and it all went to hell in a handbasket. They took way too many artistic liberties and changed certain things enough to seriously piss me off. Even just the little things, like the lack of robes in school. Grr. It's almost over, though. And yes, I will end up seeing Deathly Hallows in theater. Because, as much as they annoy me, I'm a Potter fan to my core and, well, I MUST KNOW what it's going to be like.
Also, there's the whole Twilight thing. Granted, the books really aren't all that and a can of Coke, as they're made out to be, but the movies. UGH. God help me. There is not one person in those movies who could act their way out of a paper bag. There's a lot of pretty, absolutely (hello, Carlisle, I know you're too old for me and I'm seriously taken, but...mmm) and some muscle (Taylor Lautner. 'Nuff said.) but that's really it. I haven't seen Eclipse, and I only will if I'm desperate for something to do and am not being made to pay for anything involved in said movie watching.
Okay, enough random blather for one night. I'll be back. Possibly with a real story about who I am or something.
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